Flying Cloud Airport (KFCM)
Elliott is located on the northeast corner of Flying Cloud Airport on Pioneer Trail in Eden Prairie. From 35W, take 494 West to Exit 11A. Follow signs for Flying Cloud Drive and turn left at the top of the ramp. Turn right onto Pioneer Trail, then take the first left into the airport. Call 952.944.1200 for more information.
13801 Pioneer Trail * Eden Prairie, MN 55347-2617
Phone 800.541.9110 or 952.944.1200
Fax 952.944.8614
Notice to FBO Customers:
The FBO at KFCM is now under the management of InFlight Aviation.
InFlight Aviation
Monday-Sunday 6AM – 10PM
(952) 303-2220
MRO Services
- Scheduled & Heavy Maintenance
- Avionics Upgrades, Repairs, & Modifications
- Structural Repairs & Modifications
- Citation | Hawker | Embraer | Beechcraft | Daher
- FAA Certified Part 145 Repair Station